Saturday, November 7, 2009


well ~ let's start my not long not short ...
my mummy fetch me go jusco and meet my aunt
and go huanxidei for my lunch .. thn my sister accompany me go popular
at popular i use 30-40 minutes to choose my dream book
i had buy around rm120 .. and im damn happy after i get my dream book
crystal & penny at popular too .. thn follow them go watch movie
we choose ' poker king ' ... 4:10 start
before went to cinema .. we went to ' etude house '
i dint in .. cause i dint use any cosmetics
so..there...not suit for me ^^
and i went mimimomo .. beside etude house ...
4:10 ... ------------------------------------- king .... it's a funny movie ..hehez
after shows..we went huanxidei eat dinner again
thn crystal,penny,mimiko quarrel at there
cause them go eat buffet .. but penny's mummy wanted her b4 9:30 back home
aiyors ~ i lazy to write lo .. actually ~
so , i dunwan write lox ~ call crystal write ~
hahas~ and yesterday real super happy
cause i get many thing that i wants to buy .. chick chak ~ ^^
2morrow 2morrow 2morrow .. it's a sunday .. it's a sunny day ~~~~
i love my weekend .. and my sister gonna went work
damn siienz at here lox ~ .....
more 5 days .. i cant sit my beloved place in 2harmoni adi ~
see you ~ beloved place .



  © Chloe 'Photoblog II' by SmilesChloe 2008

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