Friday, September 25, 2009


hey . my dear reader
boys & girls . im come again
cause too boring here T.T
MSN dunoe apa problem.keep help me sign out!
it's time that u wan go see doctor
and i now sin d MSN can sign in two acc ^^
wink wink chit chak =( hurray !
sorry again for my frenz,FF~i no rply your msg
cause im too busy & lazy
forgive me & dun blame me
recently,i wan chase my drama
now i gonna ' fat mou ' .. cause im dl-ing '' heading to the ground ''
support my man ^^ reali nice =D

status : wait for my next post . wink ^^

heading to the ground

wait wait wait . rayfile

im listening '' party in the USA ''



  © Chloe 'Photoblog II' by SmilesChloe 2008

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