Sunday, September 27, 2009

tired day *

it's a boring holiday !
yesterday im not sleep well,cause waiting the sifat keong
damn slow lah him wait him work finish
9++am crystal sms me , me havent woke up
10++ sin woke up
crystal 12++ reach my home and 1++ keong come fetch us
actually,we go 1u d
but finally we go jusco , cause keong's mummy 6 wan use car
we go cinema and see wat movie can watch
we choose ' laugh until scare . scare until laugh '
me & crystal sudah lihat . but we accompany keong
he wan see . but . 4 sin gt
aizh~nvm lox dunwan see go eat thing
3++ we back home . keong & crystal came my house
keong and my sister play Wii
let's see some pic~^^

i dunwan cut my nail T.T

mirror mirror

i love my hair

'' zou gong '' was finding me

im too tired

crystal say me '' long leg '' wors..
see ! me need run infront the tv sin can see
her pajamas ==

huiyors~ah keong playing boling

they two gonna fight ==

his tee so cool ^^
lonely man ==
he keep said his hair so short
me & crystal tak boleh tahan

they two playing racing in wii



  © Chloe 'Photoblog II' by SmilesChloe 2008

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