Wednesday, October 28, 2009

im prepare well

hey guys ~! pay attention here . please
2nd november - 16th november will less update & on9
exam week nya ~ (::) .. make me breathless .
god bless me . but but but !! after exam ..
sayornara to my 2harmoni , classmate , form2 text book
but . 2harmoni dear classmate bring many happy memories & moment to me
reluctant to separate ... erherherherh~~
watever lah , hope i will same class with you all again :)
wohoo ! this friday i will be going see ' Michael Jackson - This Is It '
excited ! ^^ ... and i prepare to ' sapu ' my novel book !
popular !! im coming soon !!! Nyek Nyek Nyek ~
bye *



  © Chloe 'Photoblog II' by SmilesChloe 2008

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