Thursday, October 15, 2009

wait me

0kays,let's started wat i'm today does do
hmmm~i felt so sorry to lovely girl . hahas~
cause she forget to bring her pendrive . and when she reached skul
she run to upstairs and find her brother
call her brother when back home take her pendrive , then sent to skul ~
hahas . second . i finish my ' TWILIGHT MOVIE ' !!!!
woos :) it is a interesting movie . but it's too silence ><
but it's nice for me . do you ?
you could go have a look if u havent been see
the actor was soo handsome & cool & man =]
' NEW MOON BOOK ' i havent see finsih ~ im getting crazy with it !!!
now im waiting ' NEW MOON MOVIE ' too ~ chak!
and another excited was . my aunty was buy my ticket adi !!
' Michael Jackson - This Is It - ' woos ~ but i dunoe when had see
i only noe we whole relatives family was going ~ ^^
anyway , let's see some pic

cool ?

opps !

the twilight saga : new moon

i love tis :)

as thick as a dictionary novel



  © Chloe 'Photoblog II' by SmilesChloe 2008

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